Set cpu usage tradestation 9.5
Set cpu usage tradestation 9.5

set cpu usage tradestation 9.5 set cpu usage tradestation 9.5

You also should do windows update each week after the market has closed. Do NOT open your trading charts until all data has come in. Once all data has downloaded, close this chart and open all the other charts. IE must be rolled to the current month when rollover occurs. Should you delete the cache, open a chart that has all your symbols on it going back as many bars are your trading charts use. Some users like to delete TS cache, but this can introduce other issues of missing data the first time charts are opened. This also clears memory and the windows swap file. Rebooting the VM & restarting Tradestation significantly helps the stability of Tradestation. My experience is worse than average users experience. My own trading computer with many charts always crashes on TS10, but other users have good success. Tradestation 10 stability compared to 9.5 varies greatly from one user to another.

Set cpu usage tradestation 9.5